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Traveling at the speed of love
A few weeks ago, America was struck by yet another tragedy: the mass shooting at Pulse in Orlando. To be honest, I'm typically pretty...
On Mental Illness, Medication and Moving Abroad
If you ask a group of people in my generation if they have ever been diagnosed with depression or anxiety, more often than not, the...
Traversing Khao Yai National Park
The two most common responses I heard when I told people I was moving to Thailand for six months were, “Oh I have a [friend, family...
When traveling to Pak Chong went maak wrong
When you're a school teacher who works from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the week but wants to explore the amazing country you're...
A Non-Teacher’s Thai Teaching Experience: Week One
I survived my first four days as “teachaaa” in Thailand. I work in the English Program at Chonradsadornumrung school in Chonburi...
America Ain’t Gonna Thai Me Down
Insane humidity. A regular-sized motorbike with an entire family aboard. Hoses next to each toilet to wash your bum. Saying, “what tf...
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